AWARD Women Leading in Times of Crisis
April 13th to May 4th, 2021 Time: 1500-1600 PM EAT


You are welcome to the Women Leading in Times of Crisis Series!

With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, effective leadership has never been more important. From navigating economic uncertainty to possible food insecurity to assuring the health and wellbeing of those you lead, strengthening the skills of crisis leadership are imperative to success.

The Women Leading in Times of Crisis Series offers just-in-time interactive webinars aimed at capacitating women leaders around the world to meet the unique demands of leading in the midst of a global crisis, and not only survive, but thrive.

AWARD’s Women Leading in Times of Crisis Series is comprised of seven webinars, each with the focus of building an online learning community of women leaders and equipping them with the specific skills required to lean into effective crisis leadership.

  1. 1: Opening the Series: Welcome, Orientation, and Building a Strong Virtual Learning Community of Women Leaders: The series will ensure that a virtual cohort of women leaders establish a vibrant network aimed at supporting one another, growing, and developing together, and taking learning into the future as the crisis continues to unfold.
  2. 2: Women Leaders in a Time of Crisis: What Success Looks Like – Women leaders around the world have already proven to navigate the crisis more effectively with better human and business results than a number of their male counterparts. Looking at the unique talents and strengths of women leaders and how they effectively serve this moment will offer instructive insights and learnings to women leaders everywhere.
  3. 3: The Importance of Mindset for Leading in Crisis – Drawing on the work of Dr. Carol Dweck from Stanford, participants will explore the neuroscience of “mindset” and look at what this moment calls for, both for followers and leaders, in regards to reframing for a growth mindset to lead the crisis as positively and productively as possible.
  4. 4: Leading the Crisis Rather Than Managing the Response – Building on Harvard professor Dr. John Kotter’s work on the distinct functions of leading and managing, this module looks at emerging research which suggests the critical importance of avoiding key traps of crisis leadership such as taking the narrow view, overcentralizing the response, being seduced by management and forgetting the human factor.
  5. 5: Leadership Styles and the Behaviors that Equip Leaders to Navigate Crises Successfully – Utilizing the Emotional Intelligence work of Dr. Daniel Goleman and his six styles of leadership, this session aims to identify which styles are best suited for crisis leadership and examines what the current literature highlights the key behaviors of effective crisis leaders, particularly vis-à-vis Goleman’s leadership styles.
  6. 6: Leading Remote Teams Effectively: Leading Others in a Virtual World – The COVID-19 crisis has demanded a pivot in teaming and work heretofore unseen; within weeks, teams were stood up on electronic platforms and virtual teaming became the order of the day. While remote teaming is nothing new, remote teaming as the norm and in the midst of a global crisis is. This module will examine what the research suggests is key for leaders to do to ensure strengthened team cohesion, ongoing clarity of work programs, and providing support to enable the health and wellbeing of colleagues and peers in a virtual workspace.
  7. 7: Bringing the Learning Together: Closing the Course – The Series will close with women leaders having a chance to synthesize all they have learned and to engage in peer coaching on a particular crisis leadership topic of their choosing. Likewise, the cohort of women leaders participating will make agreements to ensure this network of support continues after the Series is finished, thereby ensuring ongoing support and learning in the weeks and months ahead.
Objectives & Agenda
Session 1: Opening the Series


By the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • Identified key barriers to maintaining full presence in virtual participation
  • Strategized options for managing those barriers productively
  • Engaged with the story elements of “The Shero’s Journey” and clarified the strength(s) each participant is bringing to navigating the range of current crises

Block Agenda

  • Open and Welcome from AWARD
  • Navigating the New Normal – a Primer on Zoom and Virtual Learning
  • Introductions: Round 1 – What’s It Going to Take?
  • Introductions: Round 2 – The Shero’s Journey
  • Review of the Objectives, Agenda and Engagement Agreements
  • Preview of Webinar 2 and Pre-Work
Session 2: What Success Looks Like

By the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • Engaged with the current literature on challenges women leaders face
  • Identified the unique gifts and talents women bring to leadership
  • Analyzed key women leaders from around the world successfully navigating crises and identified how their actions are illustrative of women’s leadership talents in action
  • Applied insights from the analysis and the literature to focus on strengthening their own leadership practice


  • Open Module 2
  • Discuss the Reading and Identify Women Leaders’ Super Powers
  • Engage with the Current Literature on Women’s Leadership Talents and Challenges in the Workplace
  • Reflection Task: Strengthening Your Own Leadership Practice
  • Close the Module and Homework for Next Week
Session 3: The Importance of Mindset for Leading in Crisis

By the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • Explore the science behind growth and fixed mindset concepts
  • Self-assess tendencies and reflect on personal triggers towards a more fixed mindset, particularly in light of Second-Generation Gender Bias
  • Identify growth mindset practices that can support effective leadership during a crisis, particularly in adapting to a volatile and changing environment, maintaining focus and inspiring teams to action.


  • Welcome & Getting Started
  • Untangling Leadership and Management
  • Reflecting on Own Preferences – More Leadership? More Management?
  • Avoiding Traps When Leading in Crisis and Strategizing How to Navigate
  • Closing
Session 4: Leading the Crisis Rather Than Managing the Response

By the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • Examine critical differences between leading and managing and how they are complementary functions.
  • Self-assess where you are spending more time and what you can do to flex into the leadership needed in crisis.
  • Surface practices to address the most common leadership traps: taking a narrow view, getting seduced by managing, over-centralizing the response and forgetting the human factors.


  • Welcome & Getting Started
  • Untangling Leadership and Management
  • Reflecting – Leading and Managing Self-Assessment
  • Avoiding Traps When Leading in a Crisis
  • Closing
Session 5: Leadership Styles and the Behaviors that Equip Leaders to Navigate Crises Successfully


By the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • Examined the six styles of leadership and associated decision-making approaches as laid out in Daniel Goleman’s Book, Primal Leadership
  • Identified when and where each of those styles and decision-making approaches would be appropriate to deploy during a crisis
  • Self-assessed their preferred leadership style using the Leadership Styles Instrument
  • Examined where and how different leadership styles and decision-making approaches could be brought to bear to lead their teams through this current context


  • Welcome & getting started
  • Styles and attendant-making approaches
  • Reflecting on our own leadership style
  • Connecting behaviors that help leaders manage a crisis with leadership styles
  • Increasing our dexterity in applying the style and approach needed in crisis
  • Closing
Session 6: Leading Remote Teams Effectively: Leading Others in a Virtual World


By the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • Identified the top 4 challenges WLTC participants face leading teams virtually in the midst of COVID-19
  • Crowdsourced promising practices and approaches to manage those challenges productively
  • Begun preparation for synthesizing learning with the Leadership Challenge Case Study


  • Welcome & getting started
  • Reviewing results of survey on top challenges in leading virtual teams
  • Identifying and sharing promising practices to address challenges in leading virtual teams
  • Reflecting on practices and strategies to employ in the virtual work context going forward
  • Starting to fill out our leadership challenge case studies
  • Closing
Session 7: Bringing the Learning Together: Closing the Course


By the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • Synthesized Series’ learnings and received feedback on navigating a personal leadership challenge.
  • Identified two possible strategies for approaching and managing this challenge more positively and productively.


  • Welcome & getting started
  • Peer consultation on leadership challenges
  • Appreciations for learning journeys
  • Closing comments

Laura Guyer

Laura Guyer is a senior organizational development specialist with over 25 years of experience providing training and organizational development services in multi-cultural environments. Ms. Guyer specializes in the design of professional training programs and all aspects of organizational development, focusing on such areas as designing and facilitating stakeholder events, strengthening leadership and management skills, and designing and delivering impactful training for adult learners – both face-to-face and virtually – with a focus on equipping women leaders to excel. Her work and life have taken her to over 95 countries around the world, and in her 22 years with Training Resources Group, Inc. (TRG), she has worked with public, private and non-profit clients in the United States as well as the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, South and Central America, Asia and Europe. Her clients have included the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Department of State (DOS), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Bank Group (WBG), Jane Goodall Institute, University of Witwatersrand – Johannesburg, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), and Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

Ms. Guyer has provided support to the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) program in a range of ways over the last 12 years, including facilitating the launch of the project in 2008; providing ongoing support and capacitation of AWARD’s A-Team cadre of African trainer/consultants in continuing to provide world-class training and consulting; and developing and piloting numerous courses including: the AWARD-version of the CGIAR’s Women’s Leadership Course, the Advanced Women’s Leadership Course; Women’s Leadership for BSc Fellows; and, the mixed-gender LEPARD course for organizational leadership and academicians of premier African research institutions.  In her work with CGIAR, Ms. Guyer co-designed and co-delivered not only the foundational Women’s Leadership Course and Advanced Women’s Leadership Course, but co-designed the workshop entitled Successful Women, Successful Science held at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center stemming from a White Paper authored by the CGIAR’s Gender and Diversity Program. It was from this workshop that the AWARD program emerged as an outcome. Ms. Guyer has supported gender initiatives within USAID in the design and delivery of training on the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index as well as the Gender Integration Framework, training Mission staff and local partners alike.  Likewise, Ms. Guyer has facilitated numerous gender-focused events for the former Bureau for Food Security and Food for Peace, ranging from Global Learning and Evidence Exchanges in gender to working with the Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment to strategically plan the implementation of recommendations emerging from the Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy Assessment.  Finally, Ms. Guyer offered support to the United Nations Development Fund for Women (formerly known as UNIFEM) to utilize the results from their staff survey to strategically plan forward and ensure the promotion of gender-responsive programming throughout the organization.

Ms. Guyer lives in Takoma Park, MD – just outside Washington, DC—with her beloved husband and Goldendoodle dog, Sophie. There have been small blessings among the immense challenges of 2020. Primarily, for the first time in decades, Laura has been home with her family consistently throughout the year rather than traveling monthly on assignment. By working remotely, she has been able to continue engaging in the work she loves, remain healthy (knock on wood!), and spend time with her spouse and her pup.

Dr. Maria G. Nassuna-Musoke

Dr. Maria G. Nassuna-Musoke is an accomplished, seasoned trainer and has been a professional process facilitator since 2005. Her areas of engagement are training of professionals to acquire additional skills in leadership and management, particularly those in agricultural research and development, rural development, civil society, and higher education institutions. With a background of Veterinary Medicine training and primary occupation as a university lecturer in the discipline of Animal Reproduction, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Dr. Nassuna-Musoke has traversed the disciplinary boundaries to practice, train, coach and empower others with personal mastery and soft skills. She was thoroughly trained as a trainer of trainers back in 2004 and has since trained at several platforms. She worked with PICO TEAM, a network of organisations in Africa, Latin America and Europe which supported people and organisations in their efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development. There she gained a lot of experience, facilitating and training people at various cadres in agricultural research and development in Sub – Saharan Africa and beyond.

Dr. Nassuna-Musoke is an AWARD A-Team trainer. She has offered numerous deliveries of the Women’s Leadership and Management Course (WLMC), AWARD Leadership Skills Course (ALSC), Science Skills Course for post PhD, post master’s and post bachelor’s fellows and Leadership Program for Agricultural Research and Development (LEPARD). Dr. Nassuna-Musoke is a certified Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) facilitator and trainer. She is facilitator and trainer with the Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) Program of Makerere and Cornell Universities and has consulted for international, regional and national organizations and universities including CGIAR, DFID, McKnight Foundation, FARA, ASARECA, and NARO. In September, she was part of a trainer team of four to deliver a virtual leadership and management training for 25 African Academy of Science Fellows.

Dr. Nassuna-Musoke holds a Doctorate degree from Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, Germany. She supervises student research work at PhD, Masters and under-graduate level. Her research preference lies in efficient and effective agricultural production systems. Dr. Nassuna-Musoke is currently a recipient of a grant from the Sida Funded AgriFoSe, a programme that seeks to synthesize science and reformat it to support policy and improve practices within the agricultural sector for promoting food security in the developing world. She was the overall coordinator for Makerere’s Carnegie-supported institutional development programs at Makerere University between 2005 -2015 where she accumulated experience in program and project proposal writing, strategic planning, implementation, and M&E.

Dr. Nassuna-Musoke lives in Kampala, Uganda with her spouse and four children. A positive thing she can attest to amidst the COVID-19 challenges is adaptation to change – she can use various virtual platforms, tools, and approaches to facilitate, train and engage productively.

Kim Koroma-Tommy

Kim Koroma-Tommy has 10 years of experience with international development organizations and non-profits, providing training and facilitation, project and program management, communications and knowledge management, and business development services. She is a social justice and equity advocate who is especially passionate about forging cross-cultural collaboration and building the capacity of vulnerable and marginalized communities (including people in low and middle-income countries) to reach their dreams through access to coaching, training, mentorship, and leadership development. Since joining TRG five years ago, Ms. Koroma-Tommy has served on teams as a trainer and facilitator for such clients as the World Bank Group, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, and USAID. She is currently on the team delivering interpersonal skills courses to staff of the American Chemical Society.

Ms. Koroma-Tommy has lived, worked, and traveled throughout Africa. She studied and worked in Namibia at an organization for youth with disabilities. From 2014-15, she spent a year in Kampala, Uganda mobilizing resources for a local pediatric HIV/AIDS organization as a Global Health Corps Fellow. Her other experience in international development includes serving as a communications and knowledge management specialist on a child health team on a USAID-funded project and implementing youth engagement projects with Plan International. Ms. Koroma-Tommy also served as the inaugural director of a youth social entrepreneurship program and has developed curriculum and educated youth on entrepreneurship and peace studies. As a graduate intern, she contributed her skills in communications, event planning, and fundraising skills to Women, Action and the Media (WAM!), a gender justice and media non-profit organization. Ms. Koroma-Tommy spent seven years as a volunteer and Board Member for an organization that built water, sanitation, and solar energy infrastructure in schools in Sierra Leone and Kenya. Throughout her career, she has raised over $60M for non-profit and social good organizations.

Ms. Koroma-Tommy is a Project Management Professional (PMP) and an alum of leadership development organizations such as New Leaders Council Rhode Island, AmeriCorps, and HOBY. She holds a master’s degree in International Development and Social Change. Ms. Koroma-Tommy resides in New Hampshire, USA with her spouse and dog. She is grateful that the work-from-home context has provided more opportunities to engage in important and impactful work for clients of TRG and enabled her to spend more time with family in the Boston area and achieve family goals that might otherwise not have been possible.

Titilope Fakoya

Titilope Fakoya is a global gender, youth, and social development specialist with more than twenty years of cross-sector international experience in programme, policy, and research initiatives that encompass the design, management, and evaluation of development programmes. She has worked across Africa, the Middle East, and the United Kingdom with a range of government agencies, civil society organisations, and international NGOs where she focuses on gender and social inclusion mainstreaming and pioneers the vital safeguarding of these principles across multiple levels of interaction. Her experiences include leading research and analysis teams, designing gender and safe-spaces manuals, developing national and local policies, directing impact assessments, and conducting international stakeholder and gender analyses and trainings.

Titilope designed and implemented the Women in Governance initiative of the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Organisation (FCDO, formerly DFID) PERL programme which provides women Nigerian top government officials with the critical support and career development infrastructure that is necessary for success in governance structures. This programme has directly resulted in the strengthening of Nigerian women leaders across multiple sectors and has influenced the mainstreaming of gender sensitive policies across Nigerian state and federal ministries. Her work has directly supported women in governance in Abia and Borno States of Nigeria and is currently serving as a framework or national and international expansion and implementation.

As well as working within Nigeria and in partnership with federal and state governments to buttress gender and social inclusion efforts, Titilope has partnered with The British Council, Mercy Corps, and the Nike Foundation to design, develop, and initiate safe-space learning and enrichment clubs for young girls and women across Nigeria. With the Ford Foundation and Africa CDC she has researched the broader emerging effects of deadly diseases on women in Sub-Saharan Africa, and has contributed her expertise towards public-destigmatisation efforts. With UNWOMEN, she supervised the final project evaluation of the Niger Delta Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme and has consulted with Jesuit Refugee Services to implement gender policies for internal operations. She has authored working papers with The British Council and AWARD, and a recent paper on Cultural Barriers to Girls Education.

Titilope holds a Masters degree in Social Science and Economics with a focus on Development Administration and Management from the Institute for Development Policy in the University of Manchester, Manchester UK. She earned a Bachelors degree in General and Applied Psychology from the University of Jos in Jos, Nigeria. In 2017 she obtained a certificate in Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation Approach (PDIA) from the Kennedy School Centre for International Development at Harvard University, USA. She is a certified Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) facilitator and trainer and is also certified to train the Six Thinking Hats® course developed by Edward de Bono, the originator of the term Lateral Thinking.
Within the AWARD training team – the A Team – Titilope leads the gender arm and has delivered numerous gender training programmes to several institutions and, with other trainers, is currently developing a gender framework for publication. In the leadership team, she has delivered Women Leadership programme events as well as the LEPARD programme to leaders and senior decision makers in Agricultural and Research institutions.
Titilope lives in Abuja, Nigeria with her husband and members of her extended family, as her daughter and son are both adults who both live and work in the United States; both have been inspired by her to pursue careers in global education and public health respectively. The pandemic gave her an opportunity to dig deeper into relationships with friends and family (mostly over Zoom) and learn communication skills on various social media and training platforms.


African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). Hosted by World Agroforestry Centre, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. P.O Box 30677-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.

Email: | Tel: +254 (0) 20 722 4242