Jun 19, 2023
Dorothy Mukhebi Retires from AWARD After 15 Years of Service

Ms Dorothy Mukhebi, the immediate former Deputy of Operations at African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), has retired after 15 years with AWARD and more than four decades working with various international and regional organizations in agricultural research development.

She started her career with the Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture. She later worked with the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Kenya, the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) in Uganda, and the African, Caribbean, and Pacific / European Union (ACP/EU) Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), in the Netherlands.

Dr Susan Kaaria, AWARD Director,  Ms Dorothy Mukhebi and Prof. Sanni Oladimeji Lateef, Chairperson of the AWARD Steering Committee, at the mentoring-themed storytelling event held in May at Jacaranda Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya 


A legacy of impact

Owing to her wealth of experience, Dorothy, who joined AWARD at its founding, has had a tremendous impact on the organization, immensely contributing to and shaping AWARD’s growth over the years.

She served in various capacities, including as the Training and Mentoring Coordinator, Deputy Director in charge of Operations and most recently as the Acting Director during the recruitment period of a new Director. Her profound legacy with AWARD has influenced our track record in designing and deploying mentoring programs for women in agricultural research and development leadership. Our signature mentoring model has inspired various mentoring programs, including this mentoring toolkit by YPARD, among others.

Dorothy was instrumental in establishing the team of African trainers (A-TEAM) that delivers AWARD’s bespoke training courses that are designed to provide customized learning experiences.

An extraordinary leader

At an event to celebrate Dorothy’s service to AWARD held at CIFOR-ICRAF, many staff hailed Dorothy’s leadership style, reminiscing how they benefited from her empathy and service to humanity.

Ms Beatrix Gacho, Manager, Human Resources, CIFOR-ICRAF, Ms Ida Ogoso, Head, Human Resources, CIFOR-ICRAF and Ms Dorothy Mukhebi at a special coffee break event held at the ICRAF Campus to celebrate Dorothy’s long-term service at AWARD. Photo credit: AWARD/CIFOR-ICRAF.


Speaking at the event, Dorothy described her journey at AWARD, working under the leadership of three directors and some of the lessons she has accumulated during this period.

“We should never forget that life, even at work, is ultimately about people. That is why we should endeavour to connect with our colleagues for more meaningful and fulfilling working relationships”. Said Dorothy

Dorothy provided strategic support not only to the AWARD but also to the larger ARD community, serving as an advisor for various initiatives, with the most recent one being a committee member of the African Food Fellowship.

Congratulations to Dorothy on a long and what has been rewarding career! We are privileged to have had her at AWARD and wish her all the best in the new phase of her life.


African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). Hosted by World Agroforestry Centre, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. P.O Box 30677-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.

Email: awardqueries@cifor-icraf.org | Tel: +254 (0) 20 722 4242