Mar 8, 2022
Celebrating the Women Advancing Equality and Sustainability

Kenyan AWARD country chapter members at a school outreach program in Naivasha, Kenya

As we commemorate the 2022 International Women’s Day, we at AWARD celebrate the contribution of women researchers accelerating agricultural-driven prosperity for Africa throughout March. We will also celebrate our partners and other change actors coming together to spotlight gender inequities and their increased attention to strengthening research funding frameworks. We recognize the opportunities our partners are creating to address the challenges presented by climate change and their unique and diverse perspectives on advancing climate change research.

Although the number of women in agricultural research and development (ARD) and its leadership remain low, the few are making great strides and have inspiring stories. We will spotlight recent data interrogating the numbers of women in science, the complex factors perpetuating the gap, and the specific strategies and policies that have worked to boost gender equality.

In the words of the American poet Maya Angelou, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Our celebration will feature stories of African women scientists dismantling stereotypes in agricultural research, combating climate change, and creating solutions to building our food systems despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we mark this IWD, we share valuable resources on gender equality, gender research, and ARD. Have a look at our curated posts featuring some of the top 10 resources and trends on gender-responsive agriculture, articles spotlighting women’s milestones, and gender research.

For the past 14 years, AWARD has been working to plug the pipeline of women in leadership by investing in accelerating the careers of Africa’s leading women agricultural scientists. Through our Fellowship initiatives, we are building a pool of African women to be effective and influential agricultural research leaders capable of generating innovations that respond to smallholders’ needs.

We invite you to participate in the celebration by engaging with us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Join the conversations using the hashtag #womeninag and the official IWD hashtag, #IWD2022. We welcome your thoughts and stories on why gender equality today is vital for a sustainable tomorrow!

2 Doris Akachukwu
2 Sondo Fabienne
2 Emeline Assende
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2 Anna Indeche
2 Mame Sarr
2 Deffa Wane
Jacquiline Kariithi
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African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). Hosted by World Agroforestry Centre, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. P.O Box 30677-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.

Email: awardqueries@cifor-icraf.org | Tel: +254 (0) 20 722 4242