Thirty five fellow mentees, selected by 2013 and 2014 AWARD Fellows, and nearing completion of their mentorship program, attended a Leadership Skills Course for Career Development, held in Nairobi, from February 8–12, 2016. The course, a first of its kind, focused on improving already existing leadership traits of the participants, and sharpening their presentation skills.
“I’m glad I had an opportunity to network and learn from my fellow scientists. I expect to come out of here a better leader,” stated Rose Mwesige, an entomologist at the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) in Uganda.
Everlyne Otunga, AWARD’s fellowship officer was impressed by the outcome of the course. “We had high expectations of the mentees and we are happy they fulfilled each and every aspect of them. The participants were very active and fully engaged. I think this is because the course was very practical and touched on their day to day work and lives.”
To kick start the training, AWARD’s Director, Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg gave a keynote, thought provoking speech on leadership. She encouraged the mentees to continue learning, serving others and blossom where they are planted regardless of their positions or titles. Dr. Wanjiru made a call of action to the participants to make a change in their respective organizations and the agriculture, research and development sector at large.
“The experience has been rewarding. The course provided a platform for me to share my concerns and insecurities in my work and work approach with experts with unreserved professionalism,” shared Geneva Anisiobi, a research officer at Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR). “This opportunity has helped me find meaningful contributions, answers on how to deal with my blind spots and encouragement to problems I find challenging.”
According to AWARD’s Trainer, Allan Bukusi, the course opened the eyes of young women scientists to the world of leadership which is a powerful incentive for participants to purposefully pursue leadership development and seek leadership responsibility with the knowledge, skills and confidence to excel as leaders. “Africa can make great strides by harnessing the latent leadership resources among women all over the continent. Having spent the last five days in the company of women scientists, I leave with a revised perspective of the human race. And with the feeling that there is more hope for Africa than ever before.”
African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). Hosted by World Agroforestry Centre, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. P.O Box 30677-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
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