360-degree Feedback Survey Respondent Form

The 360-degree Feedback Survey was developed especially for this course. It collects data from you, and from others with whom you work, about your effectiveness in several areas of leadership, management, and interpersonal skills.

Once you provide the course organizers with the names and contact information of your chosen respondents, we will contact them directly, providing the 360-degree Feedback Survey Form and directions on how to complete it. You will also receive a form to complete for yourself.

You will analyze the collected information during the course. It will not be shared with your manager/supervisor or anyone else unless you give it to them. If this is the first time you have received feedback from your colleagues and/or direct reports, you might feel a little hesitant to seek their input. However, previous participants say that receiving and analyzing this feedback is extremely valuable and is one of the most useful aspects of the course, so we encourage you to invite others to give you feedback.

The inventory is most helpful when you have a large pool of feedback providers, so please consider all those who can help you gain a wide perspective of your current leadership and management effectiveness.

Consider the following as you choose those who will complete your 360-degree Feedback Inventory:

  • Nominate at least 10 people, given that some may not reply. If you have more than 10, you may submit the form multiple times.
  • Recommended types of nominees:
    • all of the people who directly report to you
    • your immediate supervisor(s)
    • all of the peers with whom you work closely
    • any others from whom you would like to receive feedback
  • If you are part of a team or partnership, give these people first priority.
  • After completing the form, you may want to send your selected respondents an email:
    • Inform them that you have chosen them as respondents and that they will be receiving a form from AWARD via email.
    • Invite them to participate.
    • Explain that you would like them to respond to help you identify strengths and areas for improvement.
    • Encourage your respondents to be as honest as possible with you.
    • Remind them that the information is confidential. The course facilitators will compile the results, and the data is reported anonymously.
    • Offer to discuss with them some general insights that you have gained from the data, upon your return.
  • For each respondent, please provide the name, email address, and relationship to you (supervisor, peer, or direct report).
  • Please complete and submit the form right away or by Monday, March 28, 2022.
Nominate Respondents


    African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). Hosted by World Agroforestry Centre, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. P.O Box 30677-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.

    Email: awardqueries@cifor-icraf.org | Tel: +254 (0) 20 722 4242