Mary Damian Ndomba grew up in the Ruvuma region, near Dar es Salaam, as the youngest in a family of three children. After completing high school, she earned a diploma in an agricultural program. “At first my father discouraged me from pursuing agriculture as a line of work, because it was not considered professional,” she recalls. “But now my parents are very supportive, especially when I am able to advise them on the correct fertilizers to use on their crops.” After completing a BSc in Agricultural Education and Extension at Sokoine University of Agriculture, she went on to earn a master’s in Agronomy.
At first my father discouraged me from pursuing agriculture as a line of work, because it was not considered professional,” she recalls. “But now my parents are very supportive, especially when I am able to advise them on the correct fertilizers to use on their crops.
Field of Research
At the Ministry of Agriculture, Ndomba is working with root and tuber seed systems, and on quality seedling multiplication from the lab, in an effort to improve the seeds available to smallholder farmers.