
We strengthen the capacity of policy practitioners to analyze gender gaps in policies and equip them with the expertise and tools to design and implement gender-responsive agricultural policies. We have achieved this by organizing convenings at global, regional, and subregional Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) forums to create awareness and a platform to influence and engage with partners on gender-responsive AR4D.

We also engage diverse stakeholders by delivering insights into our interventions through the dialogues conceptualized under our Agspirations Series, webinars, and events.

The Global Forum on Women in Scientific Research (GoFoWiSeR)

While AWARD focuses on building the capacity and skills of agricultural research scientists in Africa, we recognize that agricultural research is only one subset of scientific research, and the gender gap in agricultural research is reflected in other STEM fields more broadly.

The Global Forum on Women in Scientific Research (GoFoWiSeR) is a platform that brings together key players, including researchers, research funders, and research leaders, to take concrete action toward bridging the gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). GoFoWiSeR is designed as a global conversation that addresses the systemic causes of the gender gap in STEM and spotlights the strategies and approaches that can improve  the numbers and experiences of women in STEM.

AgSpirations: Inspiring stories of African agriculture

Through AgSpirations, we conceptualize forums and dialogues, curate a series of conversations, and produce knowledge products to foster engagement and illuminate inspiring stories of African Agriculture.

AgSpirations by AWARD Podcast

The AgSpirations by AWARD podcast features immersive conversations with leading global experts on how we can accelerate inclusive, agricultural-driven development in Africa.

AWARD Community of African Gender Experts and Researchers

We are investing in curating a database of African agricultural researchers and gender experts. Through this platform, we seek to spotlight African researchers leading agricultural researchers on the continent, foster partnerships, and collaborate to widen agricultural researchers’ networks and influence inclusive agricultural research in Africa.

The AWARD Community of Gender Experts is a one-stop space for anyone seeking research partners, research leaders, expert advice, more visibility for their research, improved profile, among other benefits. We aim to provide research funders with the best researchers to invest their funding and shape the agricultural research agenda on the African continent.


African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). Hosted by World Agroforestry Centre, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. P.O Box 30677-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.

Email: awardqueries@cifor-icraf.org | Tel: +254 (0) 20 722 4242